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Neo Cosmos
Care as Saboteur
Dora García: Art and commons, love, labour, art, work
Sigrid Holmwood: Peasant and Witch Eat the Rich
Zeyno Pekünlü: Pretty Furious Women
Between a Cultural Center and a Public Spacelding
Open Texts,Mics,Images&Games
A cyber-eco-feminist goat path: Towards West Attica my Hometown
Every Cinema/Publication/eng
Γυναικείοι Ψίθυροι (Ελευσίνα 1984-1985) & What a Lovely Spot ENG
Alien species served with local purities
Ψελλίζοντας την εαυτή, τραυλίζοντας τις άλλες
Digitised greek feminist independent publications
Online Libraries
Open Love Letters
Non-Formal Cinema
Every Cinema
Partisan Nitsa – Eleni Papayiannakis, called Electra
Out on the Street
In the Last Days of the City
#1 Partying
Silvia Federici
Σταύρος Σταυρίδης
Fred Moten και Stefano Harney
Ελένη Τζιρτζιλάκη, Τι νέα
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective
Deja Newton
Giorgio Agamben
Technology is the answer but what was the question?
Andreas Angelidakis, Softwalker 6 and Softwalker 7
Sean Dockray, Listening to the Diagnostic Ear’
[], HCMAN: The Trap
Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain, Get Well Soon
Ivan L. Munuera & Manu Alba, Unzipped Parties
Neo Cosmos
Care as Saboteur
Dora García: Art and commons, love, labour, art, work
Sigrid Holmwood: Peasant and Witch Eat the Rich
Zeyno Pekünlü: Pretty Furious Women
Between a Cultural Center and a Public Spacelding
Open Texts,Mics,Images&Games
A cyber-eco-feminist goat path: Towards West Attica my Hometown
Every Cinema/Publication/eng
Γυναικείοι Ψίθυροι (Ελευσίνα 1984-1985) & What a Lovely Spot ENG
Alien species served with local purities
Ψελλίζοντας την εαυτή, τραυλίζοντας τις άλλες
Digitised greek feminist independent publications
Online Libraries
Open Love Letters
Non-Formal Cinema
Every Cinema
Partisan Nitsa – Eleni Papayiannakis, called Electra
Out on the Street
In the Last Days of the City
#1 Partying
Silvia Federici
Σταύρος Σταυρίδης
Fred Moten και Stefano Harney
Ελένη Τζιρτζιλάκη, Τι νέα
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective
Deja Newton
Giorgio Agamben
Technology is the answer but what was the question?
Andreas Angelidakis, Softwalker 6 and Softwalker 7
Sean Dockray, Listening to the Diagnostic Ear’
[], HCMAN: The Trap
Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain, Get Well Soon
Ivan L. Munuera & Manu Alba, Unzipped Parties
Neo Cosmos
Care as Saboteur
Dora García: Art and commons, love, labour, art, work
Sigrid Holmwood: Peasant and Witch Eat the Rich
Zeyno Pekünlü: Pretty Furious Women
Between a Cultural Center and a Public Spacelding
Open Texts,Mics,Images&Games
A cyber-eco-feminist goat path: Towards West Attica my Hometown
Every Cinema/Publication/eng
Γυναικείοι Ψίθυροι (Ελευσίνα 1984-1985) & What a Lovely Spot ENG
Alien species served with local purities
Ψελλίζοντας την εαυτή, τραυλίζοντας τις άλλες
Digitised greek feminist independent publications
Online Libraries
Open Love Letters
Non-Formal Cinema
Every Cinema
Partisan Nitsa – Eleni Papayiannakis, called Electra
Out on the Street
In the Last Days of the City
#1 Partying
Silvia Federici
Σταύρος Σταυρίδης
Fred Moten και Stefano Harney
Ελένη Τζιρτζιλάκη, Τι νέα
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective
Deja Newton
Giorgio Agamben
Technology is the answer but what was the question?
Andreas Angelidakis, Softwalker 6 and Softwalker 7
Sean Dockray, Listening to the Diagnostic Ear’
[], HCMAN: The Trap
Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain, Get Well Soon
Ivan L. Munuera & Manu Alba, Unzipped Parties
Ψελλίζοντας την εαυτή, τραυλίζοντας τις άλλες
A cyber-eco-feminist goat path: Towards West Attica my Hometown
Γυναικείοι Ψίθυροι (Ελευσίνα 1984-1985) [Women's Whispers (Elefsina,1984-1985)]
What a Lovely Spot
Every Cinema
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